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Give Your Teen Something to Smile About

January 17th, 2023

Does your teen avoid smiling because they don’t like their teeth? An adolescent’s smile can actually have a profound effect on their confidence and even impact their social skills. Further, according to a research study out of Webster University, a confident smile can be seen as even more attractive than traditional good looks. 

We know that our teens are super conscious of their image. Just look at the number of selfies they take, and how much time they spend liking, commenting and sharing their friends’ photos on Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. That’s why when teens come to Prairie Ridge Orthodontics for orthodontic treatment, we want to be sure we have options for them, to ensure their confidence stays high while their smile improves.

Through orthodontic treatment (either with traditional braces or Invisalign) Dr. Loveless can correct genetic issues from crowding and spaced teeth to protruding upper teeth. Or, we can address improper bites due to thumb-sucking as a child, periodontal disease, poor dental hygiene, early or late loss of primary teeth or trauma to the teeth from a sporting injury, for example. 

The other good news is that adolescence is the optimal time to rectify orthodontic problems since teens haven’t yet finished growing. Early correction of orthodontic problems frequently takes less time in treatment and is less costly when compared to correction of dental problems that have been allowed to progress into adulthood.

Improving and encouraging your teens’ confidence is important to us at Prairie Ridge Orthodontics. It’s one of the big reasons why we offer Invisalign (besides the fact that it’s an excellent technology that allows us to create beautiful, healthy smiles).

Want to give your teen something to smile about that may even help boost their self confidence? Bring them to Prairie Ridge Orthodontics and we will help create a selfie worthy smile. 


How does Invisalign® work?

August 25th, 2022

Prairie Ridge Orthodontics is a top Invisalign provider in Owatonna and Zumbrota, MN offering clear aligners as a treatment option for their patients. Invisalign is a convenient alternative to braces to get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted!

How does Invisalign work?

During a consultation at Prairie Ridge Orthodontics, Dr. Loveless will determine the exact movements necessary to get your teeth into the correct position. The Prairie Ridge Orthodontics team then has a custom-made series of aligners created for you. As you replace each Invisalign aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will gradually and gently shift-little by little, until they have straightened to the final position Dr. Loveless has prescribed.

What are the benefits?

Clear: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. No hiding your smile in meetings, engagement photos or school pick-ups and no closed-lipped selfies here!

Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are extremely comfortable made out of smooth, sleek plastic.

Confidence Booster: A recent study* found that only 22% of teens feel that wearing braces does/will boost their self-esteem; whereas, nearly half of teens report wearing Invisalign does/will boost their self-esteem (47%). Likewise, 40% of Teens reported that wearing braces would/does negatively impact their self-confidence during treatment; whereas, only 13% of Teens reported the same about wearing Invisalign aligners. After conversations with our Adult patients, we think the findings would be similar.

Removable: Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to eat and drink whatever you'd like while in treatment- there are no food restrictions! Plus, brushing and flossing is no problem.

Convenient: Fewer visits to the orthodontist means fewer interruptions of your busy schedule. You will visit Prairie Ridge Orthodontics once every 2-3 months to ensure that your treatment progress is on track.

Cost Effective: At Prairie Ridge Orthodontics, Invisalign comes at the same price tag as traditional braces. No need to shell out extra cash to avoid metal mouth. Plus we can offer little to no down payment.

*Invisalign Teen Confidence Survey

If you’d like to learn more or find out if Invisalign is right for you, contact us today! Click below to schedule your complimentary consultation. We can’t wait to meet you!

Seventh Birthday Approaching? Time For a Visit to the Orthodontist!

May 3rd, 2022

Many parents associate braces and orthodontics with their teen years but you may be surprised to learn that the best time for your little one to have their first orthodontic visit is around their 7th birthday. We know, we know - they’re still running around the jungle gym and definitely not exhibiting any tween behavior (at least we hope not for your sake!). That said, the American Association of Orthodontics recommends children be seen by an orthodontist at age seven and here at Prairie Ridge Orthodontics we absolutely agree. 

Why by age seven?

By age 7, your child’s mouth has matured enough for a trained orthodontic eye to spot current and future issues. We can then make corrections that will help guide their jaw and teeth into a healthier place for an easier straight smile later on. 

There are many benefits to starting orthodontic treatment as a child; these include shorter treatment time, fewer impacted permanent teeth and reduced chance of needing to remove teeth. That’s because with early orthodontics we can:

  • Guide teeth into desired positions early 
  • Guide jaw growth
  • Minimize crowding/creating room for erupting teeth
  • Correct the results of oral habits like thumb and finger sucking 

At Prairie Ridge Orthodontics, we think of early orthodontics as a two phase solution. 

  • Phase 1 works with your young child to make space for his or her permanent teeth. 
  • Phase 2 begins once those teeth have arrived. 

If you recommend early orthodontics for my child, does that mean they won’t need braces as a teen? 

Early treatment (phase 1) can begin the correction of significant problems, prevent additional problems from developing, and simplify future treatment, but oftentimes, additional treatment is still necessary. That said, children who have undergone early orthodontic treatment typically wear braces or Invisalign for a shorter period of time in the teen years than those who have not undergone early intervention. This makes life easier for both them, and you, as both of your schedules get busier and busier.

If I bring my child to you at age 7 are you definitely going to recommend early orthodontics? 

Nope! Every child is different and we customize every treatment plan to the individual. Early treatment does not necessarily benefit all children. Certain types of orthodontic problems can be more easily and efficiently corrected in the teen years when all permanent teeth have come in; some skeletal orthodontic problems should not be addressed until growth is more advanced or complete. Dr. Loveless will develop a customized treatment plan based on each individual child’s needs.

Click below or call us at (507) 451-5993 to schedule a complimentary consultation. We can’t wait to meet you and your seven year old! 

Top Five Questions About Invisalign for Adult Treatment

January 19th, 2022

We get a lot of questions from our patients about Invisalign. Below we have answered the five most common questions we get about the clear aligners from patients who are considering the treatment for themselves or their child. If your question isn’t answered, give us a call at (507) 451-5993 to speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly staff members.

1) How does Invisalign work?

As an Invisalign provider, Dr. Loveless uses precision technology to create a high-resolution, interactive image of your teeth and uses that to produce a comprehensive treatment plan that creates the pathway to your better smile. Every one-to-two weeks along the way you will get a new 3D printed aligner that applies just the right amount of force on your teeth. Each one is custom-made for your mouth to guide you toward your goal. 

2) How do I clean the aligners?

Caring for your aligners is easy. Rinse your aligners nightly and gently brush them with your toothbrush to keep them fresh and clean. There’s also a cleaning system available to keep your aligners clear. But, for the most part, you’ll only be wearing each custom-made set of aligners for about one to two weeks before being replaced so there isn’t enough time for them to get dingy if you brush them nightly.

3) What can’t I eat?

Trick question. There’s nothing you can’t eat! Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign doesn’t have restrictions on what you can’t chew while undergoing treatment. That’s because Invisalign appliances are removable. That said, we wouldn’t be doing our duty if we didn’t warn you against eating sugary snacks and encouraging you to brush after every meal. Otherwise, when it comes to enjoying all of your favorite foods, we say go for it! Just remember that you need to wear your Invisalign appliances 20 to 22 hours a day for best results.

4) Are they comfortable?

Dr. Loveless will take a precise scan of your teeth and plan out every move needed to give you the perfect smile. The treatment plan is personalized to fit your mouth. There is no guesswork so every aligner is made to ensure the utmost comfort, and they’re precision trimmed so they don’t cut your gums. Also, the patented plastic material is flexible and forms a snug fit over your teeth.

5) Is Invisalign plastic safe?

The aligners are made from SmartTrack material, an FDA-approved, flexible plastic that was invented by bioengineers exclusively for Invisalign. They contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten so we are confident that the material is safe for your mouth.

...and one more for good measure: 6) Is Invisalign good for teens?

Yes. Invisalign is not just for adults who don’t want to wear traditional metal braces. And, the overall cost of Invisalign is becoming much more comparable to metal braces. If your teen wants the benefits that come with Invisalign, click below to schedule a complimentary consultation. 

If you’d like to learn more or find out if Invisalign is the right fit for your child, contact us today! Click below to schedule your complimentary consultations and we can’t wait to meet you! 

Monday - Thursday
7:30AM – 4PM
Friday, Saturday, Sunday